Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary

Who doesn't love french fries? But you can't have them everyday....

These are a great alternative and super yummy! They take minutes to prepare and about an hour in the oven (Don't forget to turn them over while they cook - off and on so all sides turn golden brown). These potatoes are great heated up the next day or in a Tortilla Espanola (The Spanish Version of an Omelette)...

Emma and Alexa
The Dairy Free Girls

The ingredients could not be simpler. Potatoes, Olive Oil, Salt (We like Med Sea Salt), and Rosemary.

We use this olive oil from Chile - it's delicious and 100% organic!

Cut the potatoes into bite size pieces.

Mix in olive oil to the cut potatoes.

Add some salt.

Mix the potatoes so the oil and salt mix in well (it feels gooey!)...

Put the potatoes on a baking sheet (We love the Reynold's Wrap Release Foil)....

Use up all the oil and drizzle over the potatoes

The fun part! Add in whole rosemary stems. Don't break them off, leave the stems whole to remove later so only the flavor remains...

It's fun to make it look festive - the rosemary looks like garland here!

Alexa is taking the rosemary placement very serious!

Look how pretty!

Place in the oven for about one hour. Remember to keep a close eye and move the potatoes around so all sides become golden brown.... our Mom came home and she said she could smell the rosemary all the way down the hall from the apartment elevator.

Here they are - Golden brown and Yummy!

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