Monday, July 12, 2010


We started this blog post a few months ago and never posted it.

Spiedini are traditional Italian kebabs.. our grandmother was born and raised in Italy and speaks to us in Italian - she is also an amazing cook. Because of Alexa's dairy allergy, our grandmother has revised all her family recipes to be dairy free so Alexa can enjoy our family favorites. We hope to post a few more of our family recipes in the future.

Spiedini are Alexa's favorite meal. She loves Spiedini more than Brinner! Spiedini is the Italian name of the skewers used to make the kebabs - but the meal itself is also called Spiedini. Varieties include Fish Spiedini, Beef Spiedini or Chicken Spiedini. So the word has two meanings.

Because Alexa likes Beef and Emma likes Chicken, our grandmother (or Nonna) taught us how to make both. We took advantage and made the Chicken ones for Emma using grated parmesan cheese - the authentic way - since Alexa wouldn't be eating those. The Beef Spiedini in this post is dairy free and delicious...

One thing we learned about Spiedini - they take a lot of work to make! We appreciate our grandmother a lot more after making them ourselves. We thought the parsley cutting would never end! But - they are worth it, we promise!

Tip: Make a lot at a time and freeze them like our grandmother does!

So here they are - one of our family greats! Drumroll please.........



Emma & Alexa
The Dairy Free Girls

The ingredients are simple and delicious.  Olive Oil, Bread crumbs, parsley, chicken breasts, beef and Parmesan cheese (for the dairy ones we will also make for Emma)
1st step. Cut the parsley leaves from the stems. OH MY! The pile was huge.

Although concentrated and ready to work - we were surprised by how much work goes into this. 

This is Topolino. He lives in the kitchen. As soon as he smelled the parsley - he got very excited. His favorite is basil...

Our grandmother started pounding the chicken breasts and working on the beef while we were busy with the parsley.

Oh no. After a few minutes - the pile didn't seem smaller.. This part will never end! 
....Arms are starting to hurt.

we had so much parsley to get through......!

Alexa needed a break for comic relief! Who knew it was this hard!
Our grandmother was working on butterflying the chicken breasts - we learned what that meant. Here is the official culinary explanation of butterfly:
 Butterfly - To split a piece of food down the center, cutting almost through. The halves are fanned open and laid flat to cook or fry. The fan resembles a butterfly. ex - butterfly shrimp.
We did it! Parsley is ready for chopping!
Chicken is butterflied! My grandmother makes extra portions to freeze for another day.
Parsley is put in the food processor and off it goes. All our work! 
Look what a pretty color 
Place parsley in a bowl and add bread crumbs
Then salt
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Mix to the right consistency - a paste like consistency
Take a piece of the beef and lay flat
Place the paste on the beef
Begin rolling up the beef with the filling inside
Roll it carefully
Take the skewers and place the Spiedini roll on the skewer - up to 3-5 Spiedini will fit in a skewer
Just keep making as many Spiedini as you can with the beef you have - make more filling if needed
Alexa is trying this on her own - she was a great roller!
We made a ton!
We made extras to freeze for another time!
Alexa was rocking and rolling and rolling and rolling!
No one needed to help her!
We had so many to make!
We were so excited to eat these for lunch!
Small hands = easy to roll small pieces of beef!
Take the extra pieces and wrap them up 
Easy to freeze for another day!
Add Extra Virgin Olive Oil to the pan - lift to spread.
Place in pan. Low heat.

Cook well on both sides

These stainless skewers are handy for quick turning!
Look how delicious it looks!It's ready!
Plate the finished product. Don't forget to use up all the sauce. YUM!

Remember, we added parmesan cheese to this but we thought it's worth showing you all!

We used up the rest of the parsley
Added breadcrumbs
Parmesan Cheese - Imported, grated.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Mix the filling together
Place on pieces of chicken
Roll Emma Roll!
Beautiful colors!
And repeat! Emma was a pro at making Spiedini!
Make as many as you like - freeze extras
We used the wooden skewers for the ones we froze
Add extra virgin olive oil to the pan and cook pieces on both sides
Handy way to flip the skewers
Golden brown deliciousness
Hot on the plate and ready to eat!!!


  1. Quelli della zia Mariateresa ! !

  2. yum!

    la próxima vez que ahorrar un poco para mí!
